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Snare River Basin
Apex River Watershed
Arsenic in Yellowknife Lakes
Mercury in Arctic Snow
Metals in Arctic lakes
Methylmercury Bioaccumulation
Gatineau Park Wetlands
Alfred Bog
Wetland Remote Sensing
Ice shelves
Milne Ice Shelf
Nansen Ice Shelf
Ice Shelf Extents
2020 Calving Event
2011 Calving Event
2008 Calving Event
Ice Islands
Iceberg Mapping
Ice Island Deterioration Model
Ice Penetrating Radar
Resolute Iceberg Study
Drift Modelling
Sea Ice
Landfast Ice Breakup
Ice Topography
Epishelf Lakes
Milne Epishelf Lake
Disraeli Epishelf Lake Drainage
Photo Gallery
Ellesmere Island 2015
Ellesmere Island 2015
Derek Mueller
Adam on a warm and sunny day on the Milne Ice Shelf drilling holes in the ice.
Melt stream on the Milne Ice Shelf (and yes walking through the water is cold!)
Kevin and Adam with the marvellous new toilet.
Sling load of gear to set up the Milne Ice Shelf camp.
Adam on the descent from time lapse camera servicing on the Milne Glacier.
Purple Valley camp on a nice and sunny day.
Jill intently working on instrument spacing on her mooring line on the Milne Ice Shelf.
Milne Ice Shelf camp site on a nice and sunny day.
Types of broken terrain required to cross while CTD profiling on the Milne Glacier.
Group shot left to right: Adam Garbo, Andrew Hamilton, Jill Rajewicz, Kevin Xu
Melt patters in the Milne Ice Shelf as seen from the helicopter.
Jill waist deep in the frigid waters for science! She swears her GPS point was around there somewhere.
Amazing geology seen from the helicopter while transiting from Purple Valley to the Milne Ice Shelf
Panoramic shot taken near the Milne Glacier camp site. Tributary glacier seen to the right.
Jill doing a CTD cast at the epishelf lake mooring.
View from the time lapse cameras overlooking the Milne Glacier.
Group shot after a job well done. From left to right: Andrew Hamilton, Adam Garbo, Jill Rajewicz, Kevin Xu
Adam and Andrew, clean and freshly shaven, heading out in to the field on a twin otter.
Andrew and Kevin using the auger to drill a new hole for CTD profiling.
Adam’s tent on the Milne Ice Shelf camp after thick fog had rolled in.
Plant life along the ridge of the Milne Glacier.
Shot of gear at a lunch stop while heading to the tributary glacier to test out the ice penetrating radar.
Side profile of tributary glacier leading into the Milne Glacier.
Milne Ice Shelf camp after the fog rolled out.
Andrew CTD profiling and Jill setting up the outer Milne Ice Shelf mooring.
Attempting to find a way back to our Milne Glacier camp in the fog.
Shot of our helicopter at the epishelf lake mooring.
Twin otter plane taking off from Purple Valley campsite.
Ablation stake installed by Adam to track daily melt while at the glacier camp site.
CTD profiling and ice thickness measuring out on open Arctic Ocean waters beyond the Milne Ice Shelf.
Andrew in the helicopter on the way to work in the field.
Andrew and Kevin doing a daily CTD cast at the Milne Ice Shelf camp site.
Andrew majestically looking into the distance on the Milne Ice Shelf.
First setting up of camp shortly after arrival to the Purple Valley camp site.
Stunning snow and ice formation on the outer edge of the Milne Ice Shelf.
Fog rolling in from the coast at the Milne Ice Shelf camp site.
Jill’s CTD profile setup at the Milne Ice Shelf camp site.
Andrew celebrating his birthday while out in the field at the Purple Valley camp site. He had a special gift from Chris Hatfield!
Gear packed and loaded. Kevin and Jill on our way in to the field on a twin otter.
Melt stream on the tributary glacier leading into the Milne Glacier. Very refreshing water to drink.
Panoramic shot of the Milne Glacier taken from the site of one of the time-lapse cameras.
A windsock at the Eureka air strip.
Supraglacial melt channels leading into a larger melt stream on the tributary glacier.
Jill investigating the state of Luke Copland’s weather station, while Adam and Andrew look on intently.
Andrew calling in to the PCSP on the satellite phone.
Adam and Kevin’s tents at the Purple Valley camp site.
Rare wildlife spotted while servicing time lapse cameras along the Purple Valley ridge.
Fog rolling in to Purple Valley camp site.
Adam’s tent on the medial moraine of the Milne Glacier with the tributary glacier in the background.
Shot of the tributary glacier leading into the Milne Glacier.
A dramatic shot of Jill, Kevin and Andrew on the way back from a long day of CTD profiling on the Milne Glacier.
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